No one really wants to breathe this stuff 24 hours per day
Did you know 42,000 dust mites can live in only one ounce of dust forty pounds of dust generate per year per 1,500 sq.ft. of space, hosting 15 species of dust mites! Air borne dust mites feces cause eye irritation, allergies,eye-nose throat infections,asthma attacks,fatigue and depression. Did you know that 75% of dust is human skin and the other 25% is earth. EZAir helps oxidizes human skin and cuts out food chain of the mites.
Did you know? Bacteria are found in your heating and cooling system, house pets,garbage,bathrooms, every where in our home. Bacteria causes colds, flu, respiratory infections, eye infections.
Mold Spores
Did you know? Mold spores are found in out heating and cooling system, in damp clothing cleaning materials and the moisture in our ceilings, walls, carpets, drapes. Mold causes allergies, sinus headaches, irritability, fatigue and depression.